
I never saw a live Fox until I was ‘grown up’. Now I have seen 4. One walking along the side of a MAIN Road during the day and 3 in and around my streets at dusk.  I do love them! even though they make a mess and eat the neighbours chickens! They fight and bark…noisy little terrors.

So Pretty.  New Header!!! yay! from Fenix Glim

Lifting the Veil

I actually feel very clear-headed at the moment…like there is no buffer between me and the situations around me.  So I feel more, and its been a long time since I felt…really properly felt different clear emotions.  I feel like I was cloudy…even though I have highs and lows they were all muddy and foggy.  Maybe this is a high?, or I’m having a bit of a hyper thing? I’m not sleeping too well, what I mean is I’m tired but I don’t ‘want’ to sleep.  I’m working on a huge blanket thing and can’t really feel settled in the evening.  Even when I do go to bed I have to listen to an audio book or a podcast, which means I’m not falling asleep until 1 or 2 am.  Getting up at 6, really really tired! That sounds like a manic phase…will keep a check on myself.  I havent reduced my meds to 50mg yet, I have had a couple of dizzy spells and that is normal.  It happens each time I reduce the meds.  So I will keep on taking 50/75 for longer.

I asked the universe for enough money to buy a new suite.  Ours is second-hand, tatty and really shit! I knew we couldn’t afford one, but I asked anyway.  Now my sister told me last week she was ordering a new suite…and did I want hers?  WHAT!!! Its beautiful terracotta , still in excellent condition AND she has a matching rug! So I said yes please!

Thankyou universe (Or Brigid, since she is the goddess of hearth and home )


I do have odd dreams.  I often dream about my past, usually when I was working.  Sometimes I dream about old friends, but this time I had a dream about somebody who I went to school with, but didn’t really hang out with.   I have no idea what I would dream about her for! 
In the dream she saw me in the street and came over to say hello.  After chatting she asked about meeting up later in the week for a ‘catch up’  eh? I would never see that happening.  Well we did arrange it and some other weird things happened which I rapidly forgot as soon as I woke up.  It’s just puzzling me now. 

 I ordered and bought some gorgeous yarn from fyberspates, it’s called scrumptious and really lives up to its name! 50%silk 50% merino its a lovely slate grey.  I have started my ‘sample’ shawl.  I really want to keep it! beautiful.  Here is the yarn, I will post more pics of the shawl as I progress 🙂


Baby owlet has been bathed and is now snoring in his bed, thank the goddess.  He is 3 and adorable, but hard work 🙂  Eldest is in the shower making herself look beautiful (like all 12 year old girls) next eldest is playing football in the pouring rain and mud…yes really, 12 yearold boys love mud dont they?, well mine does! Next we have daughter number 2, just turned 8 and almost ready for bed.  Man has just walked in the door from work so we are all in the house which should be a home but doesnt feel like it sometimes.  So much to do…well for man to do but he doesnt have the time…yet he doesnt want anybody else to do it…pride.

Lastnight I had a dream about an old friend who I just dont have contact with anymore.  We didnt fight or anything, just drifted away, I dream of her often.  So lastnight we were both in an episode of Eastenders…shocking!! drama and everything.  It was very odd.  I have alot of dreams about the past, and often wonder if Im trying to tell myself to return…to an old job, old friend ect